- Open up notepad, or another text editor. Alternatively can use Sublime which is available online.) This is where you will write your html, (hyper text mark up language), which is where we put the text/information for our web page.
- Open up Prezi online, by going to http://tinyurl.com/kgvbuhh
- Using Slide 6, type into your notepad file
Hello World!
- Save your file. Go to File, Save As, click on all files, type index.html. Click on Desktop, New Folder, call it Claire. Saving it to desktop is handy for now. Then save.
- Go to Google Chrome, open up BitBalloon. Go to the bottom of the page, and drag your folder Claire from the desktop to the try out area. This will show you what it looks like and give you a name for your static website.
- To try this out on Internet Explorer, just open a new page, and drag the Index.html file to the page. It will show you what your index page will look like.
- To give the page itself a title, so that when someone brings it up it is short and memorable with your company name, you need to add a line within the . Type on a new line, . Then between, in the space, add what your company name is, for example Claire Copywriting. When you refresh your browser page, it will update it to be your tab name.
- Experiment with tools to help you framework. Semantics UI, bootstrap, neocities.org and guides.github.com
- Now go to neocities.org, and create your website, for example copywriring.neocities.org. Create a page, call it ‘instructions’ (the title tab), and now convert this instruction page within it.
- Delete everything within the body. We want to create an ordered list, so insert the tag
. To show it we want to do a numbered list, insert the tag - for list item.
- Delete everything within the body. We want to create an ordered list, so insert the tag
. To show it we want to do a numbered list, insert the tag - for list item. Next, copy and paste each paragraph within a list item bracket of its own.
When it comes to typing the less than greater than symbols, you have to put around it, so that what will appear is an exact copy of the html text, without neocities processing it.
On the index page, it says Neocities for the hyperlink it shows. We want it to say Instructions, and open that link in a new window. So, go to the index page within your neocities folder, and click edit. Get rid of everything in the body part, except
Where it says